On the Road by Walter Salles (2012)

Ocena recenzenta: 8/10

Adaptation of the cult book by Jack Kerouac. Many argued it was one of those books almost impossible to convey onto the big screen. The strongest two comparisons that overshadow the appreciation of the screening are obviously the famous novel and a recent biopic on Allen Ginsberg - Howl.

The film does carry the magic of the novel. The 137 min version I had the opportunity to watch pulls the audience in and as a result leaving the cinema feels like getting back from a very distant journey in time.

What I am never a fan of - especially in case of book adaptations - is the voiceover intruding into the narrative. Films should not be told but shown as the old rule goes. However, this attempt at the impossible is breathtaking in its realism, in the effort of set design, number of locations, richness of costumes, music and in how the relatively young actors cope with re-enacting characters of a certain baggage.

All in all - a great piece of cinema - surely not an educational tool as how to party for the teenagers but definitely a great shot at portraying the Beatniks.
